Thursday, May 9, 2013

#UlanBator (Paris, France) w/ #NathalieForget & #WeiZhongle tonight @ #LempNeighborhoodArtsCenter! #STL #MUSIC

The Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center is proud to present Ulan Bator (from Paris, France), Wei Zhongle, and Nathalie Forget. The concert will take place at the Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center on May 9th from 8 p.m to 11 p.m. Tickets are seven dollars and will be available for purchase at the door. Click HERE for the event page on facebook.

Ulan Bator is an Avant-Rock, four piece band that hails from Paris, France. Formed in 1993 by Amaury Cambuzat, who is also a member of the legendary German band Faust, Ulan Bator has toured all throughout Europe and has had past singles featured extensively on EU MTV. They continue to have numerous guest members including James Johnston (Gallon Drunk, Lydia Lunch, Bad Seeds) and most recently Nathalie Forget (Ondes Martenot, Radiohead). Michael Gira, of Swans fame and Young God Records, praises Ulan Bator as “one of the best french bands in the past 300 years”. Currently on their first ever U.S tour, Ulan Bator will release their new L.P En France/En Trance on May 27th, 2013.

*Click HERE to stream/download "Santa Lucia" by Ulan Bator.

Wei Zhongle is an experimental rock band from Carbondale, Illinois. Founded by Rob Jacobs (Rob Jacobs Ensemble), Wei Zhongle pushes the boundaries of music by combining various world music sounds with heavy eastern influences and nonlinear lyrics. Their third album, Raised High/Brought Low, was recently released on April 13th.

*Click HERE to stream "Raised High/Bought Low" by Wei Zhongle.

Nathalie Forget is an installation artist and currently a member of Ulan Bator. Nathalie’s performance, Kiss on a Mexican Stone, incorporates the Ondes Martenot, sheep wool, and obsidian stone. She uses sheep as a symbol because it not only represents the religious symbol of sacrifice, but a mystical symbol as well as an image of softness, warmth, and love.