Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Post 15 feat. The Illphonics, The Morley's & more!

The Illphonics just released a 5 song EP entitled,'Illusion' and has it up for grabs on their website for FREE download. Great band to see live if you like hip-hop with a splash of rock. Please check out their website, their next show is Nov. 12 at The Gramophone.


The Morley's are a jazz-infused rock band that I keep seeing popping on the radar, usually I don't post songs unless they are free downloads, but they submitted this and I like it. Their next show is at The Pageant, it is a FREE show on Nov. 19th w/ ticket, print your ticket out HERE. In addition, they were in the top 5 finalists of the Metro Music Playoffs that just happened this past weekend. Here it is, it's called,'Not Quite What You're Looking For'.

Not Quite What You're Looking For by The Morleys

Finally, we have two songs from artists that have appeared on the blog before. They didn't send these along with the first song or two that they submitted previously, so I waited a couple of months to post about them again. Post Nuclear Trash offers up 'Going Nowhere' and Bud Summers presents us with 'One More'.

*"Going Nowhere" by Post Nuclear Trash was removed on 2/8/12. You can get free downloads by the group by visiting their Reverbnation HERE.

02 - Eons - One More by BudSummers

Again, artists, please if you use Sound Cloud to submit your music, you must have it available for FREE download. If you don't want it public on your Sound Cloud account, make it private to share with just us. We will post your buy link, but we are trying to offer your talent to new listeners, as a musician I understand but I need to stick with the guidelines I have made for this blog. Hope you enjoy!